Have you noticed that there are big problems in San Francisco, and they’re not getting fixed? We’re working to build a movement that’s larger, louder, and shows up more consistently than the forces that hold our city back. Our Community Leaders are a crucial part of the effort.
Community Leaders are a network of highly-motivated, resourceful San Franciscans who mobilize their family, friends, and neighbors around our calls-to-action. Community Leaders share their stories and motivations with their neighbors, letting them know how they can help build a better San Francisco.
How to Get Involved
Work with TogetherSF Action to win critical elections across the city.
Raise money to support TogetherSF Action campaigns and events.
Bring their community together to learn at TogetherSF Action events.
Learn More
Ready to Get Started?
Sign up to host a house party or to meet with a member of our engagement team.